Release notes

New end-of-life software risks

Annie Luu
Annie Luu
released Apr 27, 2023
Release notes imageNew end-of-life software risks

We’ve improved our scanning, adding new risks to identify software that is past its end-of-life date, including indicating end-of-life date. End-of-life software no longer receives updates, including for security issues. Using this software is extremely risky as it is likely to have vulnerabilities without patches, and those vulnerabilities are often targeted by threat actors.

To see any end-of-life software risks affecting your organization, login to your Cyber Risk account.

Improve visibility of status for Managed Vendors

We’ve added new Service Status and Analyst Notes fields to the Managed Vendors page to help organizations using Third-Party Risk Management Services to easily see the status of their requests. To learn more about these changes and Third-Party Risk Management Services see How to request a managed service.

Other improvements

  • This release includes a number of bug fixes
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