Release notes

Remediation planner and vendor tiering

Christian Kiely
Christian Kiely
released Aug 19, 2021
Release notes imageRemediation planner and vendor tiering

Calculate potential score changes with the remediation planner

Many customers have let us know that they would like more visibility into how fixing specific risks would impact their or their vendors' scores. Based on this feedback, we have added a new score projection into the remediation module.

Now, when creating a remediation request for your own organization, a subsidiary, or a monitored vendor, you can see an estimate of how the score will change if all requested risks are remediated.

Recipients of remediation requests will also be able to see the score projection, helping them to understand the impact that each risk has on their overall security posture.

To get started, create a new remediation request and read more about the remediation planner.

Vendor tiering

In this release, we've added a new way for you to organize your vendors. Vendor tiering allows you to classify your vendors based on the inherent risk they pose to your organization, and adjust the level of assessment you do on each vendor as a result.

For example, you may wish to classify a vendor that handles internal company communication as Tier 1, and a vendor that only stores publicly accessible information as Tier 3. When assessing each vendor, you could then elect to send detailed questionnaires to Tier 1 vendors, whilst assessing just based on web risks for Tier 3 vendors.

Once you have assigned tiers to your monitored vendors, you can easily filter the Vendors list by tier, and see a vendor's tier when viewing any vendor-specific page in the platform.

Learn more about how to use and configure vendor tiering here.

Include your subsidiaries in the BreachSight Executive Summary

If your organization has subsidiaries, you can now include them in the BreachSight Executive Summary, to get a full high level overview of your entire organization structure.

Overall risk breakdown, security rating distribution, highest vs lowest rated organizations, competitor analysis, risk category breakdowns, and geolocation risk reports are all supported.

To get started, navigate to the BreachSight Executive Summary and select the "Organization and subsidiaries" tab.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Remediation requests can now be saved as a draft before submitting
  • Recipients can be removed from an existing remediation request
  • A new scoring algorithm is now in use for all customer and vendor scores
  • Vendor Comparison is out of beta and now available to all customers
  • Fixes to how risk waivers are incorporated in various screens
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