Release notes

What’s New in UpGuard | February 2023

UpGuard Team
UpGuard Team
released Feb 28, 2023
Release notes imageWhat’s New in UpGuard | February 2023

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard this month.

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    We’ve updated our ISO 27001 Questionnaire in line with the latest standard. You can access both the latest version and the previous one via the Questionnaire Library in Vendor Risk.
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    Vendors can now complete questionnaires faster and easier in the tool of their choice via the Questionnaire Answer import tool. This new feature allows vendors to export Questionnaires as an Excel document, add their responses, and import back into the UpGuard Platform to complete the questionnaire.
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    We’ve added a new Risk Assessment Summary report showing the risk assessment status across your vendors
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    We have added additional risks for domains at risk of hijacking. You can now receive notifications of new active domains and IPs, and reduce the time to remediate associated risks.
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