Release notes

What’s New in UpGuard | October 2022

UpGuard Team
UpGuard Team
released Oct 31, 2022
Release notes imageWhat’s New in UpGuard | October 2022

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard this month.

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    We’ve made improvements to Shared Profiles to make it faster and easier for you to assess vendors, and be assessed by vendors. The revamped display of nested documents makes it easier to understand the relationship between questionnaires and their attached documents. We’ve also removed the empty sections of your Shared Profile to viewers, so you can keep their focus on the evidence you’ve made available.
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    The new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) questionnaire allows you to determine if your vendors align with the US Federal HIPAA standard, which relates to the secure handling of Protected Health Information (PHI). Simply send this security questionnaire to your vendors, and UpGuard will automatically generate risks based on the responses.
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    We’ve streamlined the risk assessment process by incorporating risk waivers into the risk review section of the platform. This feature allows you to document justifications and approvals for waiving known risks, in addition to requesting remediation. This consolidates the risk assessment workflow so that you have all relevant information when managing your vendors and their risks.
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    To help reduce the time to remediate risks associated with new active domains and IPs, we've added notifications that will alert you when these new domains and IPs are detected as part of your organization's attack surface. These notifications will be enabled by default in the Home page, and as part of this feature, you can also enable email notifications and modify in-app notifications any time in your Account Settings page.
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