Digital transformation is creating unpredictable mutations across the attack surface. As a result, some third-party risks have outgrown the discovery mechanisms offered by the hundreds of standard security frameworks currently available.

To cater to these growing use cases, UpGuard has introduced custom questionnaires to its industry-leading third-party risk management platform.

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What are Custom Questionnaires?

Custom questionnaires are vendor security questionnaires that you can design yourself. These assessments are ideal for highly specific third-party risk requirements. 

For example, when the SolarWinds breach occurred, organizations evaluating their security needed to ask their vendors a specific set of questions that could not be addressed through standard frameworks.

By combining custom questionnaires with pre-designed risk assessments, third-party risk management is further optimized. Common third-party risks can be evaluated at speed with pre-designed questionnaires and nuanced vulnerabilities can be targeted with custom questionnaires.

How to use UpGuard’s Custom Questionnaire Builder

You can now build your own security questionnaires inside the UpGuard platform. Start from a blank canvas or edit an existing framework from our growing library of questionnaires.

All questionnaires can be designed with 6 different conditional logic question types to give you complete control over the level of detail required in each assessment.

  • Sections: Use sections to organize your questionnaire into chapters or to segregate questions by theme. Sections can also be used to create the table of contents if you choose to include one.
  • Single-select questions: A single option from a predefined set of mutually exclusive answers.
  • Multi-select questions: Multiple options from a predefined set of answers. For 
  • Text questions: A free-form text field
  • File uploads: Upload pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, xlsx, csv, or pptx documents. Each document can be up to 10 MB.
  • Identified risks: Automatically identify third-party risks based on predefined response conditions. Work with third parties to resolve identified risks using the remediation tracking and auditing built into the platform.

Watch the video below for an overiew of UpGuard's questionnaire builder.

Starting from an Existing Temple

To easily modify an existing questionnaire, navigate to the Questionnaire Library, click on “duplicate.”

UpGuard custom questionnaire builder

You will then be taken to the questionnaire builder where you can start modifying the duplicated questionnaire.

Starting from a Blank Canvas

To build a bespoke questionnaire from scratch, navigate to the Questionnaire Library and click on “Create Custom Questionnaire” in the top right.

UpGuard custom questionnaire builder

This will initiate the questionnaire builder workflow where you can implement all of the conditional logic elements that matter to you.

UpGuard custom questionnaire builder

A Complete Guide to Data Breaches

Download this eBook to learn how to avoid a costly data breach with a comprehensive prevention strategy.

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Get a Free Demo of UpGuard’s Custom Questionnaire Builder

UpGuard’s custom questionnaire builder empowers organizations to evaluate distinct risks while still leveraging the efficiency of pre-designed questionnaires for the majority of use cases. This feature further supports risk assessment automation in the UpGuard platform to streamline Vendor Risk Management.

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