UpGuard Release Notes

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard.
November 2021
Curated dark web incident reports

Curated dark web incident reports

Chris Schubert
Chris Schubert
November 25, 2021

Curated dark web incident reports 

Many organizations concerned with threat actors operating on the dark web lack visibility into actual activity on the dark web, relying on aggregated metrics of "hacker chatter" to detect and measure risk. Given that dark markets are notorious for scams, data reuse, and intentional misdirection to fool credulous observers, security analysts need visibility into raw data being published on the dark web to verify the veracity of the leak and assess any impact to their organization. UpGuard customers on the Professional tier and up will now see curated posts from ransomware leak blogs on the Incidents and News page tagged as Dark Web. 

Detection of Moodle vulnerabilities

Moodle vulnerabilities are now detected and reported in both BreachSight and Vendor Risk. Currently, it is not possible to detect software versions on many Moodle instances, so vulnerabilities from all versions of Moodle are shown. Stay tuned for further improvements to our Vulnerabilities module in the coming weeks, which should make dealing with this data easier. Learn more about how to use the vulnerabilities module in our knowledge base article “What is UpGuard BreachSight’s vulnerabilities module?

Improvements to Shared Profiles

Other improvements

  • Ignore multiple unverified vulnerabilities at once with the select all option.
  • This release includes a number of bug fixes.
November 2021
IP address export now includes associated domains

IP address export now includes associated domains

Chris Schubert
Chris Schubert
November 8, 2021

IP address export now includes associated domains

When analyzing IP address information, it can be useful to see the list of domains associated with each IP address. Previously the PDF export of IP addresses showed the associated domains but the Excel version did not. 

We now include the domains associated with each IP address in both the PDF and Excel exports. For more information check out our knowledge base articles: 

Other improvements

  • This release includes a number of bug fixes
October 2021
What's new in UpGuard | October 2021

What's new in UpGuard | October 2021

UpGuard Team
UpGuard Team
October 31, 2021

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard this month.

  • Check icon
    We’ve added support for Zapier integrations, connecting your UpGuard account to thousands of supported apps.
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    Shared Profiles have been improved by enhancing the visibility of risks, scores, and unanswered questions within Questionnaires in a vendor’s shared profile.
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    Every page in the UpGuard platform now has an information icon in the header that will show you a brief overview of what you can do on the page, as well as page-specific links to further information in our Knowledge Base
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October 2021
Compliance Reporting

Compliance Reporting

Chris Schubert
Chris Schubert
October 28, 2021

Bulk Import vendors, tiers and labels

In this release, we have added the ability to bulk import vendors to your monitored vendors list. You can do this by entering a list of domains or uploading a CSV. Using the CSV import capability also allows you to assign tiers and labels to new or existing vendors. For help using this feature, check out the ‘Importing Vendors, Tiers, and Labels in UpGuard’ knowledge base article

Custom notifications based on risk severity

You will now be able to create custom notifications that will alert you when a risk of a particular severity is identified for your company or your vendors. These notifications will also be available for integration via the webhooks functionality.

Risk framework mapping for compliance reporting

We’ve added the ability for you to assess a vendor’s risk profile by mapping risks against recognized security frameworks such as ISO 27001 or NIST CSF, making it easy to identify and remediate potential gaps. Check out ‘What is Compliance Reporting within UpGuard Vendor Risk?’ for more information.

New questionnaire UI 

You’ll also find a new UI for questionnaires, which will make it easier for your vendors to view, identify outstanding questions and ultimately complete questionnaires. Check out ‘How to send a security questionnaire in UpGuard Vendor Risk” for more information.

Other improvements 

  • Ability to add custom logos to your shared profile.
  • Ability to exclude specific questionnaires from a vendor's questionnaire score.
  • More accurate remediation planner impact preview.
  • News webhooks now include ‘source’.
  • Various bug fixes.
October 2021
Improvements to Shared Profiles

Improvements to Shared Profiles

Chris Schubert
Chris Schubert
October 11, 2021

Special thanks to our Beta customers who continue to provide valuable feedback as we continue to develop the UpGuard product to better serve your needs. 

Improved visibility of Questionnaire details within Shared Profiles

In this release we are shipping the first of many future improvements to the Shared Profiles functionality as we see this being something that can notably reduce the time it takes for you to consider, onboard, or review a vendor's security posture. First up we have improved the visibility of risks, scores and unanswered questions within Questionnaires in a vendor's shared profile.

Other improvements 

  • Improvements to our web scanning services (focus on cloud service subdomains)
  • Improvements to our domain scanning and verification
  • Ability for customers to see UpGuard CyberResearch services.
September 2021
What's new in UpGuard | September 2021

What's new in UpGuard | September 2021

UpGuard Team
UpGuard Team
September 30, 2021

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard this month:

  • Check icon
    You’re now able to share a public link to your shared profile, making it easy to proactively share your security posture and related documentation with current and prospective customers.
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    We’ve added more granular control over custom notifications, giving you flexibility and control over which alerts you want to see for each vendor.
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September 2021
Zapier integration

Zapier integration

Christian Kiely
Christian Kiely
September 29, 2021

Zapier integrations now available

We've added support for integrating with Zapier, an automation platform that connects to thousands of apps. If you have a Zapier account, you can now connect UpGuard to any other app that Zapier supports. For example, you could monitor new vendors in UpGuard when a Google Form is submitted, or get a phone call via Twilio when new data leaks are detected.

Check out our Zapier Integrations page for more workflow examples and read our guide to get started.

New page header design

In this release, we've revamped the design of our page headers to make it easier to find information relating to the page you're looking at.

Every page now has an information (i) icon that will show you a brief overview of what you can do, along with page-specific links to our Knowledge Base for further information.

When viewing pages related to vendors, the new page header also allows you to see vital information at a glance, such as vendor tiers and labels, and gives a consistent way to perform vendor-specific actions such as generating a vendor report.

We've also added breadcrumbs to help give context as to the location of the current page within our page hierarchy.

Help & Support menu

We've added a new Help & Support menu, which can always be found at the bottom left of your screen. You can use this menu for quick access to our Knowledge Base, to view our latest release notes, or to contact our sales and support teams.

Changes View export

When viewing the changes over time for your own organization, a subsidiary, or a vendor, you can now export this view to PDF. Simply click the Export button while viewing changes on the Risk Profile page.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Viewing "passed checks" in the Risk Profile and Questionnaire screens now includes checks passed in in-built questionnaires
  • Improve detection of wildcard subdomains
September 2021
Trigger notifications and integrations based on tiers or labels

Trigger notifications and integrations based on tiers or labels

Christian Kiely
Christian Kiely
September 15, 2021

In this release, we've added more fine grained control over custom notifications in the platform. Custom notifications now support additional filtering based on vendor tiers, vendor labels, or domain labels.

Any number of these custom notifications can be created in an account, giving you the flexibility to set up alerts for vendors or domains you care most about, and avoid notification fatigue.

For example, you could now set up a notification to fire when any of your Tier 1 vendors (who you have also labelled as managing customer data) have a score drop of more than 10 in the last week. Such a notification type could be used for in-app notifications or emails for any member of your account, or even for a webhook integration.

Learn more about creating custom notifications here.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Avoid false positive detection of domain registrar protection risks
  • Remove some duplicate SSL risks when certain risks are already present
  • Improvements to initial scans for vendors and their subsidiaries
September 2021
Public links for Shared Profiles

Public links for Shared Profiles

Christian Kiely
Christian Kiely
September 1, 2021

In this release, we've added the ability to share a public link to your Shared Profile. By embedding the public link on your website or email signature, anyone who follows the link will be able to sign up for a free UpGuard account to view your Shared Profile. If your Shared Profile is available by request only, you'll still be asked to approve access on an individual basis.

Publishing a public link to your Shared Profile is another way you can proactively share your security posture and related documentation with current and prospective customers, and means you can spend less time filling out manual assessments.  It can also help you close deals faster by skipping a typically slow part of the sales process. To see a great example of a public security page that includes an UpGuard Shared Profile, take a look at this one by Built Technologies.

To get started, publish a Shared Profile and read more about how to share a public link.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Remediation requests will now be automatically marked as complete when all risks are remediated
  • Significantly improved performance of Identity Breaches feature
  • Improvements to IP address attribution
  • Fixed issue where small nations would not appear on IP geolocation maps
August 2021
What's new in UpGuard | August 2021

What's new in UpGuard | August 2021

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
August 31, 2021

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard this month:

  • Check icon
    You’re now able to compare the security posture of up to four vendors, side by side. This is a great tool for communicating the security posture of new vendors to stakeholders.
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    Customers have let us know how useful it would be to have more visibility into how fixing specific risks would impact their scores. With this in mind, we’ve created the remediation planner, adding a new score projection to the remediation module.
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    You now have a new way to organize your vendors, through the new Vendor Tiering. This allows you to organize your vendors based on the inherent risk they pose to your organization by breaking them up into tiers.
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August 2021
Remediation planner and vendor tiering

Remediation planner and vendor tiering

Christian Kiely
Christian Kiely
August 19, 2021

Calculate potential score changes with the remediation planner

Many customers have let us know that they would like more visibility into how fixing specific risks would impact their or their vendors' scores. Based on this feedback, we have added a new score projection into the remediation module.

Now, when creating a remediation request for your own organization, a subsidiary, or a monitored vendor, you can see an estimate of how the score will change if all requested risks are remediated.

Recipients of remediation requests will also be able to see the score projection, helping them to understand the impact that each risk has on their overall security posture.

To get started, create a new remediation request and read more about the remediation planner.

Vendor tiering

In this release, we've added a new way for you to organize your vendors. Vendor tiering allows you to classify your vendors based on the inherent risk they pose to your organization, and adjust the level of assessment you do on each vendor as a result.

For example, you may wish to classify a vendor that handles internal company communication as Tier 1, and a vendor that only stores publicly accessible information as Tier 3. When assessing each vendor, you could then elect to send detailed questionnaires to Tier 1 vendors, whilst assessing just based on web risks for Tier 3 vendors.

Once you have assigned tiers to your monitored vendors, you can easily filter the Vendors list by tier, and see a vendor's tier when viewing any vendor-specific page in the platform.

Learn more about how to use and configure vendor tiering here.

Include your subsidiaries in the BreachSight Executive Summary

If your organization has subsidiaries, you can now include them in the BreachSight Executive Summary, to get a full high level overview of your entire organization structure.

Overall risk breakdown, security rating distribution, highest vs lowest rated organizations, competitor analysis, risk category breakdowns, and geolocation risk reports are all supported.

To get started, navigate to the BreachSight Executive Summary and select the "Organization and subsidiaries" tab.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Remediation requests can now be saved as a draft before submitting
  • Recipients can be removed from an existing remediation request
  • A new scoring algorithm is now in use for all customer and vendor scores
  • Vendor Comparison is out of beta and now available to all customers
  • Fixes to how risk waivers are incorporated in various screens
August 2021
Vendor comparison tool

Vendor comparison tool

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
August 3, 2021

You can now compare the security posture of up to four vendors side-by-side and dive into the details to see which vendor represents the lowest risk. Comparing vendors is a great way to communicate the security posture of new vendors to stakeholders prior to onboarding the vendor. It's also a great way to see how your current vendors stack up against potential alternatives that may offer improved security.

This feature is currently in beta. If you would like to join the beta prior to the official release, please reach out to us.

When you compare vendors, you'll be able to see their overall security rating, average rating across their industry, as well as their rating across each risk category. This gives you a great, high-level view of their security posture.

If you want to dive deeper, you can scroll down to see their overall security rating over the last month, quarter, and year, as well as a breakdown of the number and severity of risks across their risk profile.

Below this, you'll get a breakdown of the number and severity of risks across each risk category, as well as a summary of all the assets associated with each vendor and general information about the vendor.

And if you need to communicate the comparison to stakeholders, simply click Export in the top-right corner of your screen to generate a downloadable PDF report that outlines everything shown on the page.

Learn how to compare vendors and export a vendor comparison report.

Due date, reminder date, and ability to update the title of remediation requests

Based on your feedback, we've made two improvements to our remediation request feature this release:

  • Due date and reminder date: You can now set a due date and reminder date when creating remediation requests. Once set, UpGuard will automatically notify the vendor via email on the specified dates ensuring that your remediation requests are actioned.
  • Update title of remediation request: You can now update the title of a remediation request after it has been created.

Learn how to send an internal remediation request or a vendor remediation request.

Other fixes and improvements

  • You can now create a custom notification for when a vendor's score increases by X in Y days.
  • Improved the design of the modal you see when you first monitor a vendor
  • Added API support for vendors with no web presence
  • API activity now generates audit log events
  • Added support for retrieving a list of introduced and resolved risks from monitored vendors via the API
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