UpGuard Release Notes

Learn about new features, changes, and improvements to UpGuard.
September 2019
Vendors and instant reports

Vendors and instant reports

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
September 3, 2019
  • We’ve improved the way we display your list of vendors and instant reports.
  • You can now search for vendors by URL as well as name
  • We’ve improved the way questionnaires are displayed, including making it easier to view the risks, and improving the question numbering
  • We've changed the algorithm for scoring questionnaires to improve the way unanswered questions are weighted.
  • We’ve improved the way “Assurance” customers view their customer portfolio
August 2019
Add custom labels

Add custom labels

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
August 7, 2019
  • You can now add custom labels to your websites in BreachSight, just like the labels you can already add to your vendors in VendorRisk. You can then use labels to filter websites on all pages where your websites are shown.
  • UpGuard has now been added as one of your monitored vendors in VendorRisk, if you were not monitoring the UpGuard vendor already. This will not count towards the available monitored vendor slots in your account. If you are not using VendorRisk already, you will now be able to access it, with UpGuard as your only monitored vendor.
  • We've improved our risk model for redirect domains. These are domains that redirect users to a different domain, and do not themselves host a website. Before this change, if example.co.uk redirected to example.com, some of the risks that we scan for were only being identified on example.com, and example.co.uk was not being checked for all possible risks. With this change, all risks applicable to example.co.uk will now be correctly identified. The most significant new risks that you may start seeing on redirect domains are related to HTTPS support and SSL certificate issues. You may notice some fluctuations in website scores as this change is rolled out, but the end result will be a more accurate reflection of the risks associated with these domains.
  • It's now easier to manage your Cyber Risk API keys from your account Settings page. You can have multiple active API keys, and specific keys can be deleted. This allows API keys to be rotated more easily, when required.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • You will now be notified on your Cyber Risk dashboard when we release new features in future. Keep an eye out for the notification.
July 2019
Add "private" notes to questionnaires and remediation requests

Add "private" notes to questionnaires and remediation requests

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
July 23, 2019
  • You can now add "private" notes to questionnaires and remediation requests. These are visible to users of your account, but not to the recipients of the questionnaire or remediation request.
  • We've improved how we present your own score. When we display your own company's score to you, we can draw on public information (such as the configuration of your websites) as well as private information (such as which vendors you have marked as "in use"). This lets us provide the most complete view of your security posture. When someone else (another CyberRisk customer) looks up your company however, we report your score based only on the publicly available information. This has caused some confusion, and to address this, we've changed the way you see your own score on your "Risk Profile" page. You can now choose to either see your "public" score, or also factor in the private data you have provided.
  • When you manually request a scan for a given website, we are now rescanning for open ports on that website more quickly. At times it may still take a while for refreshed port scan data to flow through, but it should often appear within 10 minutes or so. Note that when ports change from "open" to "filtered" (as opposed to "closed"), it will still take up to 30 days for changes to flow through.
  • When you manually request a scan for a given website, and the scan fails (for instance, if the website is no longer running) we now report the failure, as well as how many times it's failed previously, and when the website will be removed (after 4 consecutive failures).
  • You can now request remediation or create a risk waiver from the Risk Profile page, or while looking at the details of a specific website.
  • We fixed a problem with vulnerabilities where some websites that use shared IP addresses would have vulnerabilities incorrectly assigned to them.
  • We've made a number of UI improvements and bug fixes
July 2019
Filter vendors by score range and introducing questionnaire library

Filter vendors by score range and introducing questionnaire library

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
July 9, 2019
  • We now allow vendors to be filtered by a score range, and use this to provide a clickthrough from the vendor breakdown on the dashboard.
  • We have extended vendor filtering to cover the contents of the dashboard (including the vendor breakdown) and the remediation list.
  • We have created a questionnaire library, allowing account admins to easily configure which questionnaire types are able to be selected and sent by their users.It also allows non-admin users to browse and preview those questionnaire types that have been selected for the account.
  • Various bug fixes
June 2019
Simplified Data Leaks workflow

Simplified Data Leaks workflow

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
June 26, 2019
  • The Data Leaks workflow has been simplified. Now there are only 3 states for a Data Leak - Disclosed, Acknowledged, and Closed. The Closed status still includes the reason for closure (Fixed, Not a Risk, or Risk Accepted), and can be verified by an UpGuard analyst as an additional final step.
  • The Documents list on the Questionnaire Details page now includes all documents relevant to the questionnaire, and whether they have been included or not. This allows users to easily see which documents have been uploaded and which have been omitted.
  • Users can now include a message when requesting remediation, which will be visible to the recipient.
  • Users must now include a "justification" when creating a risk waiver which will be visible to the approver, if one exists. If there is a separate approver, their justification will be shown separately.
  • Score history (up to a year if the data is available) is now enabled by default for all accounts.
  • There is a new action in the Actions dropdown to "Send a message" available on the Questionnaire Details screen. This prompts the user to enter a message in the Correspondence section.
  • Admin users can now remove themselves from an account, as long as there is at least one other admin user on the account.
  • Various bug fixes and cross-browser improvements.
June 2019
Risk waivers and enhanced vulnerabilities detection

Risk waivers and enhanced vulnerabilities detection

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
June 12, 2019

We have added several major new features to the CyberRisk platform:

  • Risk Waivers: Use risk waivers to accept risks and hide them from your risk profile. This is especially useful when you have compensating controls in place which you believe mitigate the risk. Currently risk waivers can be applied to risks identified with your own Internet-facing assets (your own “Web Risks” identified in BreachSight).
  • Enhanced Vulnerabilities Detection: We have improved the way we detect vulnerabilities, both with your own web assets (in BreachSight), and those of your vendors (in VendorRisk). We also explicitly check for the recently discovered BlueKeep vulnerability.
  • Typosquatting Detection: We have launched a new module to help you manage your typosquatting-related cyber risk. You can choose which domains you want to monitor, and then review and monitor the registered and unregistered permutations of these domains for suspicious activity. Contact UpGuard Support to arrange access.

We have made a few other changes too:

  • When viewing a list of websites (“Web Risks”), you can now view as a tree to make it easier to navigate subdomains
  • Various bug fixes
April 2019
Attachments now supported in-line within questionnaires

Attachments now supported in-line within questionnaires

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
April 17, 2019

We have just released a new version of CyberRisk, which brings several minor enhancements and a number of bug fixes:

  • Attachments now supported in-line within questionnaires, rather than all being at the end of a questionnaire. This makes it easier to correlate specific questions with evidence (documents).
  • When you start monitoring a vendor, you can now apply custom labels (as well as the built-in labels).
  • In VendorRisk, you can now see the date that your allocation of Instant Reports rolls over.
  • Various bug fixes
April 2019
CyberRisk integrations and improvements

CyberRisk integrations and improvements

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
April 5, 2019
  • Integrations: CyberRisk now enables you to call out to external Webhooks when notifications (events) are generated. For instance, you may want to send a message to one of your internal systems whenever a new data leak is detected.
  • VendorRisk - view unanswered questions: When viewing the details of a questionnaire there is now a panel which shows which questions have not been answered.
  • VendorRisk - Disable “Questionnaire Marked as Complete” emails to vendors: When you mark a questionnaire as “Complete”, CyberRisk previously sent an email back to the recipients of that questionnaire, telling them you have marked it as complete. The purpose of this was to give your vendor feedback that you are satisfied with their response, and have completed the review process. Based on user feedback, this email no longer gets sent unless you explicitly activate it. This is done (by an account admin) in the “Questionnaires” tab of the “Account Settings”.
  • Various bug fixes
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